Friday, August 9, 2013

Sunday Afternoon Tea Parties

Good Morning Great Beautiful People of the World!

So as you know there are a lot of people in my family, 8 in total. My mom, my dad, my older sister, me, three younger sisters and our handsome baby brother.

Well there are some trials that come with having a big family. And one of those is you can argue a fair amount. Especially if everyone in your family is as opinionated as my family. We're all strong willed, stubborn people. So this can cause some disagreements. But every so often there is this beautiful gem of a time where we get along. Last Sunday afternoon was one of those moments.

I had decided to make some scones I saw a recipe for here for Gingerbread and Cranberry scones. Let me tell you, they're as good as they sound. (I ate a couple too many I think) But after I had made them I decided to have a tea party with my younger sister and my brother. So I set up the table with a tea pot, tea cups, sugar dish, milk dish, and of course scones. Together we enjoyed beautiful cups of tea with these delish scones and for at least forty-five minutes it was bliss with no arguments.

In a family where there can be quite frequent arguments it's very important to enjoy and cherish the moments when everyone is getting along. But I think this can apply to everyone's life. Enjoy those moments that make you happy, cherish the moments with the people you love.

 Don't take for granted the people around you, and the small moments. Because one day they may no longer be there. Enjoy life to the fullest while you can.

Infinite x's and o's
Oh by the way, here are some pictures of my tea party!

Here are my beautiful scones, I added a spiced glaze on to them, and it really did add just that little bit of extra.

This tea cup was given to me by my aunt, who inherited it from her mom, (my Nana). It's absolutely gorgeous, and perfect for my tea party!

And here are the special guests for my party!