So, this week has definitely been an adventure. See, changing how I am - changing how my body is used to living isn't easy. Some days it's a real fight.
And some days I gave up.
This past week on Thursday and Friday I kinda gave up on my life changes. I stopped caring what I ate and only did my one work out each day - and just so that I could check it off and say that I did.
I didn't let myself continue to give up.
In the past I've always looked at my mistakes and seen them as insurmountable. I would think that since I had already made a mistake that I should just give up trying. But, I was wrong.
This is worth trying for - and of course somedays I'm going to mess up. I mean, this is a pretty big change for me, but at the end of the day it is going to be well worth it.
And with every good decision it gets easier to make good decisions . . . right?
That's what I'm hoping.
But even if I have to fight for every minute, for every rep, for every run. for every pound lost - I'm going to.
I'm going to do this.
Longest time run: 3 minutes (up a minute from last week, and PS - running is getting SO much easier!)
Time run during a work out: 8 1/2 minutes in 40 minutes
Distance walked/run this week: 12.83 miles approx.
Total Weight Lost: 9 lbs
Last week's weight: 228 lbs
Weight Lost: 3 lbs
Current weight: 225.8 lbs
Goal: 198 lbs by May 20th, 2012
If I can make progress - so can you!
Fight for it.
Keep up the good work roxanne! This week is going to be a great week for you! You are so encouraging!! xo