So it's been a long time since I've wrote... Which usually means I haven't been doing all my running. Which is true, things got really busy between quitting my job (to come home for summer), major papers, exams, and moving back home, all of this kind of paid a toll on my working out and running. So that means I really need to step up my game now.
It kinda sucks not having run for the past couple weeks because that means that starting up again is going to feel like starting over! UGHHH no fun, but completely possible. And now that I'm home I do not have the comfort of using a treadmill anymore. And for those of you who don't know, I live in the country on these nice hilly roads... So running is going to be sooooo much fun (sarcasm). Nah I'm just having a negative attitude and I need to change that. Unfortunately the weather is not exactly in my favor. This past weekend we had SNOW! it was a SNOWSTORM at the end of APRIL! (That doesn't usually happen) and then it's been rainy and just gross out. But I'm praying for some nice weather that will help motivate me to go outside and run.
If you guys have any encouragement or motivational things to say to me, now would be a good times to say it haha.
I hope you guys are all doing better with your goals than I have been the past two weeks.
infinite x's and o's
- A
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