Fall is such an interesting season, you have this lingering of summer, and yet it's cooling down leaves are changing color (the part everyone likes about fall) and winter approach... the worst part about fall!
But whether we want it to come or not, it comes and I figure since we can't do anything about fall happening we might as well try to enjoy it. Now I sound a lot happier then I feel. I caught a cold this past weekend and so my nose is so stuffed up that I can't breathe, my head feels like it's going to explode from all the pressure in it, and I have a constant headache! I HATE colds. But those aren't the reasons I hate colds, I mean yeah that stuff sucks but I hate it because it slows me down, it makes me feel like I can't move or do anything, it makes me sleepy and just want to stay in bed. And that doesn't really fit intoo well with my schedule and my plans of getting in shape. Ugh... sufice to say, I am a little (okay a lot) grumpy today.
But putting the grumpiness aside. Its been practically all summer. How are you guys? Have you guys been keeping up with your goals and fitness plans? If you answered no, join the club. However, putting it off is no longer an option. I'm putting my foot down and making 2012 my last fat year. ... Okay I typed it out.. now I have to live it out.
But actually, being out of shape is inconvienent for my future career goals so this is actually happening. Now I'm not going to totally share what I am thinking about for the future, but I will tell you this: I plan on taking some sciences next semester, and I'm planning on switching colleges. You'll have to stay tuned to find out what I'm actually thinking about doing.
Well I don't really have much to say other than make sure you get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, wach your hands lots, and stay bundled up as the coller weather comes so you guys can avoid gettting sick!
Infinite x's and o's
- A
P.s. I read this really awesome quote the other day that I wanted to share. "You only become a WINNER when the pain of losing exceeds the pain and inconvenience of HARD WORK"
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