210lbs #BOOM
I feel like I've been fighting for this milestone for so long!
Some days I would get so close, but today I finally reached it.
Now on to 205lbs. :)
Also, I'm thinking of becoming Flexitarian.
As of late I have been reading a lot about Vegetarian or Vegan and how these plant based life styles improve not only our health, but also the health of the planet. These books and articles also talk about how some of the meat and dairy industries are following inhumane practices - and trust me, if they're true, it's disturbing. However, a fully vegan life style is not plausible at this moment, but I think I could handle being flexitarian could be possible. This is the concept that you eat vegan or vegetarian most of the time, but still allow yourself to eat meat some of the time. Some people do certain days of the week, however, with my family, I think I will have more success eating vegan for breakfast and lunch and normal at supper.
Any thoughts on veganism, flexitarianism or the food industry? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Day 360
-Eat When Hungry
Still doing alright, but I did use food to get rid of a tired headache this afternoon. I know it's bad , , , I just don't know what to do with a job schedule that is so sporadic - I need structure! and routine. . . .
- Eat Healthy
Fail! Today was the day I took my brother out for his birthday. We ate like 8 year olds - enough said.
I'm still struggling with motivation. Somebody help me!
-Eat When Hungry
Still doing alright, but I did use food to get rid of a tired headache this afternoon. I know it's bad , , , I just don't know what to do with a job schedule that is so sporadic - I need structure! and routine. . . .
- Eat Healthy
Fail! Today was the day I took my brother out for his birthday. We ate like 8 year olds - enough said.
I'm still struggling with motivation. Somebody help me!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Day 362
The count down continues.
I wonder how much will change in a year. I suppose this blog will help me see huh?
-Eat When Hungry
I've decided that this point is my main attack. I realize that eating healthy foods and exercise are incredibly important because I want to be healthy on the inside. But trying to attack all three with the same veracity is exhausting with my current lifestyle, and I know that the truth is that with my main goal being to lose weight only eating when my body is actually asking for food is pretty much the most effective way. Today I did fairly well on this point.
-Eating Healthy
Again, today was good. However, the past two days I have eaten too much sugar - I need to continue to watch this as I am working on breaking a sugar addiction.
- Exercise
Usually I'm all gungho about blogilates, but I'm having a hard time finding my motivation. I just did a short dance video work out today.
I wonder how much will change in a year. I suppose this blog will help me see huh?
-Eat When Hungry
I've decided that this point is my main attack. I realize that eating healthy foods and exercise are incredibly important because I want to be healthy on the inside. But trying to attack all three with the same veracity is exhausting with my current lifestyle, and I know that the truth is that with my main goal being to lose weight only eating when my body is actually asking for food is pretty much the most effective way. Today I did fairly well on this point.
-Eating Healthy
Again, today was good. However, the past two days I have eaten too much sugar - I need to continue to watch this as I am working on breaking a sugar addiction.
- Exercise
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Day 365
Hello Blogosphere.
Even though I feel like crap I am on here writing because yesterday I became sick of my life as it is and plan to change in the next 365 days.
Part of that is being accountable and writing on this blog everyday. So here I am.
Eat When Hungry
- well, didn't really do awesome at this today I also didn't due bad. Feeling ill always makes it hard for me to distinguish when I'm hungry or not as sometimes my headaches seem to be lack of sugar related.
Sugar addictions - apparently, so I'm trying not to feed to cycle, but if you told me a chocolate bar would kick this headache I would be all over that right about now.
Eat Healthy
- F- - I helped out at a pot luck and Beth was in charge of dinner.
Work Out -
- I do blogilates and Sunday is her rest day which I am thankful for because this head ache is absolutely killer.
Even though I feel like crap I am on here writing because yesterday I became sick of my life as it is and plan to change in the next 365 days.
Part of that is being accountable and writing on this blog everyday. So here I am.
Eat When Hungry
- well, didn't really do awesome at this today I also didn't due bad. Feeling ill always makes it hard for me to distinguish when I'm hungry or not as sometimes my headaches seem to be lack of sugar related.
Sugar addictions - apparently, so I'm trying not to feed to cycle, but if you told me a chocolate bar would kick this headache I would be all over that right about now.
Eat Healthy
- F- - I helped out at a pot luck and Beth was in charge of dinner.
Work Out -
- I do blogilates and Sunday is her rest day which I am thankful for because this head ache is absolutely killer.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
The Terry Fox Run pt 2 :)
Well. Our family officially participated in our first cause run together!!
And we loved it. Everyone had a great time, and we're already planning to participate again next year - as well as hopefully attending one of the 5k colour runs.
The opening ceremony was especially touching for my mom - who is herself a cancer survivor - and whose father passed away due to cancer.
Please continue to support cancer research, while finding other ways (such as becoming a blood doner - blood.ca) to become an everyday hero.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
The Terry Fox Run
Hello Blogosphere!
So - my family and I are participating in the Terry Fox Run this Sunday, and we would love it if you helped us reach our goal of $50 (or more!!) raised toward cancer cure research!
To do so please visit this page : http://my.e2rm.com/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=2097686&langPref=en-CA and donate toward our team!
Thank you world - Here's to the hope of a future without the devastated effects of cancer!
- Roxanne
So - my family and I are participating in the Terry Fox Run this Sunday, and we would love it if you helped us reach our goal of $50 (or more!!) raised toward cancer cure research!
To do so please visit this page : http://my.e2rm.com/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=2097686&langPref=en-CA and donate toward our team!
Thank you world - Here's to the hope of a future without the devastated effects of cancer!
- Roxanne
Friday, August 9, 2013
Sunday Afternoon Tea Parties
Good Morning Great Beautiful People of the World!
So as you know there are a lot of people in my family, 8 in total. My mom, my dad, my older sister, me, three younger sisters and our handsome baby brother.
Well there are some trials that come with having a big family. And one of those is you can argue a fair amount. Especially if everyone in your family is as opinionated as my family. We're all strong willed, stubborn people. So this can cause some disagreements. But every so often there is this beautiful gem of a time where we get along. Last Sunday afternoon was one of those moments.
I had decided to make some scones I saw a recipe for here for Gingerbread and Cranberry scones. Let me tell you, they're as good as they sound. (I ate a couple too many I think) But after I had made them I decided to have a tea party with my younger sister and my brother. So I set up the table with a tea pot, tea cups, sugar dish, milk dish, and of course scones. Together we enjoyed beautiful cups of tea with these delish scones and for at least forty-five minutes it was bliss with no arguments.
In a family where there can be quite frequent arguments it's very important to enjoy and cherish the moments when everyone is getting along. But I think this can apply to everyone's life. Enjoy those moments that make you happy, cherish the moments with the people you love.
Don't take for granted the people around you, and the small moments. Because one day they may no longer be there. Enjoy life to the fullest while you can.
Infinite x's and o's
Oh by the way, here are some pictures of my tea party!
Here are my beautiful scones, I added a spiced glaze on to them, and it really did add just that little bit of extra.
This tea cup was given to me by my aunt, who inherited it from her mom, (my Nana). It's absolutely gorgeous, and perfect for my tea party!
And here are the special guests for my party!
So as you know there are a lot of people in my family, 8 in total. My mom, my dad, my older sister, me, three younger sisters and our handsome baby brother.
Well there are some trials that come with having a big family. And one of those is you can argue a fair amount. Especially if everyone in your family is as opinionated as my family. We're all strong willed, stubborn people. So this can cause some disagreements. But every so often there is this beautiful gem of a time where we get along. Last Sunday afternoon was one of those moments.
I had decided to make some scones I saw a recipe for here for Gingerbread and Cranberry scones. Let me tell you, they're as good as they sound. (I ate a couple too many I think) But after I had made them I decided to have a tea party with my younger sister and my brother. So I set up the table with a tea pot, tea cups, sugar dish, milk dish, and of course scones. Together we enjoyed beautiful cups of tea with these delish scones and for at least forty-five minutes it was bliss with no arguments.
In a family where there can be quite frequent arguments it's very important to enjoy and cherish the moments when everyone is getting along. But I think this can apply to everyone's life. Enjoy those moments that make you happy, cherish the moments with the people you love.
Don't take for granted the people around you, and the small moments. Because one day they may no longer be there. Enjoy life to the fullest while you can.
Infinite x's and o's
Oh by the way, here are some pictures of my tea party!
Here are my beautiful scones, I added a spiced glaze on to them, and it really did add just that little bit of extra.
This tea cup was given to me by my aunt, who inherited it from her mom, (my Nana). It's absolutely gorgeous, and perfect for my tea party!
And here are the special guests for my party!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Morning Runs - Allysin's Update
So I am home again for the summer and things are starting to pick up, fitness wise I mean.
We started following a fitness blogger/youtube channel named Cassy. You can check out her Blogilates. On her site she makes a fitness calendar that each day has youtube videos she's made for you to follow. Well for the month of June Eve, Roxanne and myself have kicked it into high gear and really started to crack down on doing on the workouts each day. (We still miss certain days, like today where we have stuff going on in the evening) But for the most we stay dedicated.
On top of this we started morning runs with week. It's killer when your alarm goes off at 5:40 in the morning and all you really want to do is stay in your bed with your nice fluffy, warm duvet. But somehow there is this drive in us that pushes us to get out of bed and go for a 45 minute run (lets be real it's a jog).
Now you have to understand we live out in the country and our road isn't this nice flat, paved road. No! OUR road is this packed gravel, bumpy road with monstrous hills that kill as you try to run up them but really you're jogging at a walking pace because the incline is so intense.
So we've set our distance goal to be from our house to the end of our road, across the attaching road to the next road parallel to our road. There and back is approximately 5km. So Monday, the first day we ran, I ran the "flat" part of our road, up the first big hill and felt like I was dying by the top, walked the other hills and ran on the next road. TODAY when I went for the run I ran all they way on our road up and down all the hills. On the first hill my shoe had come untied but I knew if I stopped on the hill I wouldn't start up again so I ran with it untied all the way up the first hill, tied it and kept right on running. Then I continued on the next road and kept going.
The whole time having Eve right next to me saying, you got this, we're almost at the top. You're doing great. Keep going. She's such a great running partner continuously encouraging me to do my best and push myself it's awesome! We did end up walking part of the way back but we attacked most of the hills with as much enthusiasm as we could muster.
Even though at the end of the run we were sweaty and a little worn we were energized and excited that we got up and did the run and encouraged by my victory of running the hills!
We're looking forward to the victories to come in the future!
We have set our end of the summer goal to run the "road" to our cottage. It's approx. 4.5 km. So although the distance is not very far it the the terrain that makes this our challenge. The "road" is an old logging road full of really big hills (like twice the size of the ones on our road), twists, turns, over all just a very challenging run. We look forward to the day we can say we overcame that challenge!
Keep pushing yourself, it's totally worth it!
Infinite x's and o's
Here is Eve and I's sweaty pic from the other day after our workout (not run).
So I am home again for the summer and things are starting to pick up, fitness wise I mean.
We started following a fitness blogger/youtube channel named Cassy. You can check out her Blogilates. On her site she makes a fitness calendar that each day has youtube videos she's made for you to follow. Well for the month of June Eve, Roxanne and myself have kicked it into high gear and really started to crack down on doing on the workouts each day. (We still miss certain days, like today where we have stuff going on in the evening) But for the most we stay dedicated.
On top of this we started morning runs with week. It's killer when your alarm goes off at 5:40 in the morning and all you really want to do is stay in your bed with your nice fluffy, warm duvet. But somehow there is this drive in us that pushes us to get out of bed and go for a 45 minute run (lets be real it's a jog).
Now you have to understand we live out in the country and our road isn't this nice flat, paved road. No! OUR road is this packed gravel, bumpy road with monstrous hills that kill as you try to run up them but really you're jogging at a walking pace because the incline is so intense.
So we've set our distance goal to be from our house to the end of our road, across the attaching road to the next road parallel to our road. There and back is approximately 5km. So Monday, the first day we ran, I ran the "flat" part of our road, up the first big hill and felt like I was dying by the top, walked the other hills and ran on the next road. TODAY when I went for the run I ran all they way on our road up and down all the hills. On the first hill my shoe had come untied but I knew if I stopped on the hill I wouldn't start up again so I ran with it untied all the way up the first hill, tied it and kept right on running. Then I continued on the next road and kept going.
The whole time having Eve right next to me saying, you got this, we're almost at the top. You're doing great. Keep going. She's such a great running partner continuously encouraging me to do my best and push myself it's awesome! We did end up walking part of the way back but we attacked most of the hills with as much enthusiasm as we could muster.
Even though at the end of the run we were sweaty and a little worn we were energized and excited that we got up and did the run and encouraged by my victory of running the hills!
We're looking forward to the victories to come in the future!
We have set our end of the summer goal to run the "road" to our cottage. It's approx. 4.5 km. So although the distance is not very far it the the terrain that makes this our challenge. The "road" is an old logging road full of really big hills (like twice the size of the ones on our road), twists, turns, over all just a very challenging run. We look forward to the day we can say we overcame that challenge!
Keep pushing yourself, it's totally worth it!
Infinite x's and o's
Here is Eve and I's sweaty pic from the other day after our workout (not run).
Friday, May 10, 2013
Roxanne - Summer Resolutions
Hello Everyone,
So, you are now reading a blog written by a college graduate! Woot woot!
Alright. Enough of that.
Anyway, the reason I am writing is to put in one place my scattered thoughts and plans -
My Summer 2013 Resolutions.
Resolution 1 - No eating fast food for the remainder of the summer.
Resolution 2 - No drinking pop (or soda or whatever name you give it - unless I get a factory job, in which case all bets are off.)
Resolution 3 - Work out everyday (Thanks to my siblings this has been fairly successful so far.)
Resolution 4 - Eat salad for lunch several times a week.
Now you are all welcome to remind me of these resolutions as my brain is apt to forget them in my moments of weakness,
Healthy Living
Healthy Summer
Here I Come!
Much love all!
So, you are now reading a blog written by a college graduate! Woot woot!
Alright. Enough of that.
Anyway, the reason I am writing is to put in one place my scattered thoughts and plans -
My Summer 2013 Resolutions.
Resolution 1 - No eating fast food for the remainder of the summer.
Resolution 2 - No drinking pop (or soda or whatever name you give it - unless I get a factory job, in which case all bets are off.)
Resolution 3 - Work out everyday (Thanks to my siblings this has been fairly successful so far.)
Resolution 4 - Eat salad for lunch several times a week.
Now you are all welcome to remind me of these resolutions as my brain is apt to forget them in my moments of weakness,
Healthy Living
Healthy Summer
Here I Come!
Much love all!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Roxanne Update - The Belt
Hi Everyone.
So - late again. . . . . Maybe you should just assume it's going to be late :)
Here's my weekly update:
My starting date is: March 11, 2013
My weight loss for the week: 2 lbs
My total loss: 7.8 lbs
I have 92.2 lbs left to go to meet this challenge.
Starting weight: 223.8
Current weight: 216
But beyond just seeing the numbers on the scale - I had to buy a belt the other day because my pants are starting to get a little loose. Not enough to go to the next size, but - I am on my way my friends :)
Also - While I was at Target I bought two new dresses, and I cannot wait to wear them!
So - late again. . . . . Maybe you should just assume it's going to be late :)
Here's my weekly update:
My starting date is: March 11, 2013
My weight loss for the week: 2 lbs
My total loss: 7.8 lbs
I have 92.2 lbs left to go to meet this challenge.
Starting weight: 223.8
Current weight: 216
But beyond just seeing the numbers on the scale - I had to buy a belt the other day because my pants are starting to get a little loose. Not enough to go to the next size, but - I am on my way my friends :)
Also - While I was at Target I bought two new dresses, and I cannot wait to wear them!
Happy spring! Fellow bloggers and weight lossers!
Happy new life :)
Happy new life :)
Let us know what your goals are and how they're going by leaving us a comment below.
And look forward to hearing some new and exciting news from the Wiedemanns in the next couple weeks.
And look forward to hearing some new and exciting news from the Wiedemanns in the next couple weeks.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Roxanne - Morning Walks, No Worries & An Update
Well. Let me first of all give you the weight update:
My challenge starting date is: March 11, 2013
My weight loss for the week is: 2lbs
My total loss is: 5.8lbs.
I've still got 94.2 lbs to go to meet this challenge.
Starting weight - 223.8
Weight as of Monday - 218
Alrighty, now on to the fun stuff :)
So. I have recently decided that it is a good idea for me to go walking in the morning.
When the alarm goes off a couple hours before I need to be at work I'm not so sure I agree,
When my running shoes are on and I step out into the fresh, crisp clean air, and the sky is only beginning to be tinted with light and pink - I know that it is.
I read a quote the other day about this very thing it said: "For one moment you forget all your problems because for one moment it's just you, the world and the sunrise."
And it's true.
With this being said I would like to leave you with this video, because "When worry finds you . . . cast your cares on God the almighty"
Good luck out there!
My challenge starting date is: March 11, 2013
My weight loss for the week is: 2lbs
My total loss is: 5.8lbs.
I've still got 94.2 lbs to go to meet this challenge.
Starting weight - 223.8
Weight as of Monday - 218
Alrighty, now on to the fun stuff :)
So. I have recently decided that it is a good idea for me to go walking in the morning.
When the alarm goes off a couple hours before I need to be at work I'm not so sure I agree,
When my running shoes are on and I step out into the fresh, crisp clean air, and the sky is only beginning to be tinted with light and pink - I know that it is.
I love watching the world wake up.I read a quote the other day about this very thing it said: "For one moment you forget all your problems because for one moment it's just you, the world and the sunrise."
And it's true.
With this being said I would like to leave you with this video, because "When worry finds you . . . cast your cares on God the almighty"
Good luck out there!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
1000 Awesome Things - Gym Pain
1000 Awesome Things posted this post the other day and it made me laugh when I read it. How often have I had pretty much this exact same experience, and in the end you feel awesome :)
Posted: 24 Mar 2013 09:01 PM PDT
Believe it, folks: I went to the gym last Saturday. Yes, flabby belly, spaghetti-thin arms, bright white sneakers and all.
Though it may surprise you, I am not a walking talking hulk of a man. No, I’m a scrawny knee-pushups kind of guy who spends more time taking sips of water, talking to the maintenance folks, and figuring out how the machines work than I do actually working out. I don’t tone my pecs, blast my quads, or crush my delts. If my trip to the gym was a short film it would be calledStretching In Trackpants.
But anyway, last Saturday.
It was 8:45am and I was sipping some water, trying to figure out how the benchpress worked, when a steady stream of spandex-clad seniors suddenly brisked by me with stern brows and towels draped over their shoulders. Honestly, you might have thought there was a sale on oatmeal or aWheel of Fortune marathon about the start at the back of the gym, because these grannies and granpies were on a mission. When I asked a couple maintenance guys what was going on, they told me Boot Camp was about to start.
My mind immediately flashed to visions of crawling through muddy trenches in baggy camo,swinging over frothy rapids on jungle vines, and standing on the roof of a rusty, beat-up car firing a machine gun into the sky with one hand. I can’t explain these images, but they compelled me to follow the Wrinkle March into the aerobics room.
And I know I don’t need to tell you all what happened next.
Large, adult-sized Fisher Price plastic and foam bits were strewn all over the floor, thumping dance music started bumping over the speakers, and a headband-clad Drill Sergeant screamed the sweat out of us. Adrenaline racing, I stepped-out, stepped-down, and moved barbells all around. I pushed up, pushed back, and prayed softly. After about fifteen minutes, most of the old folks were barely sweating, while I keeled over, my mouth sucking back dry, sweaty air while a sharp, knife-like pain quietly stabbed into my gut. And the whole time Sergeant Purple Leg Warmers was barking at me to keeping going, don’t stop, two more minutes, one more minute, and rotate!
It was intense.
By the end, I was a Jello-blob of hot muscles and shin splints. I felt like I’d fallen down a hundred flights of stairs and landed on a cactus patch. I was in pain and agony … but you know what?
It felt good.
I felt like I made it. I felt like I did something. There was a tingling buzz of satisfaction burning in my shredded calves, a lingering ache of pride in the dirtbike tracks riding up my stomach for three days, and a quiet happiness with the gym pain I’d inflicted upon myself.
When you reach up higher than you’ve reached before, give a little more than you gave before, or dig deep to your core to end up sprained and sore, well around here we say that’s a little something called
Monday, March 25, 2013
Roxanne - The Tripping Point
Hello Everyone!
So, the other day I was reading an article on Livestrong.com about the Tripping Point.
Basically the Tripping Point is the point where you want to give up because you feel like you aren't or can't do any better.
And truthfully I feel like I'm there
Like I've been there for a few months now.
My tripping point.
But I can't give up.
I won't.
When I first wanted to lose weight, it was probably mostly driven by my desire to fit into what culture sees as acceptable beauty, but now . . .
Now it's personal.
Now I just want to beat this to prove to myself that I can.
One of the suggestions in the article I read (http://www.livestrong.com/article/562572-the-tripping-point-how-performers-get-stuck-and-what-to-do-about-it/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=03192013) was to remember why you started in the first place, so here is my list of reasons for why I want to live a healthy, active life, through which I lose weight:
How about you? What are some of the reasons that inspire you to change your habits and live a healthy life?
So, the other day I was reading an article on Livestrong.com about the Tripping Point.
Basically the Tripping Point is the point where you want to give up because you feel like you aren't or can't do any better.
And truthfully I feel like I'm there
Like I've been there for a few months now.
My tripping point.
But I can't give up.
I won't.
When I first wanted to lose weight, it was probably mostly driven by my desire to fit into what culture sees as acceptable beauty, but now . . .
Now it's personal.
Now I just want to beat this to prove to myself that I can.
One of the suggestions in the article I read (http://www.livestrong.com/article/562572-the-tripping-point-how-performers-get-stuck-and-what-to-do-about-it/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=03192013) was to remember why you started in the first place, so here is my list of reasons for why I want to live a healthy, active life, through which I lose weight:
- So that I never have to worry that I won't find clothes that fit
- And to be able to buy the cheaper version of things because they have my size
- To not feel like people are judging me when they look at me
- To be athletic
- To know I can do it
- Do be proud of myself
- To feel accomplished
- To prove that I can do it
- To lower my risk of heart disease
- To lower my BMI
- Wedding dress choices (eventually)
- To never need to worry if my bridesmaid dress is going to fit
- So that I don't have to lie awake at night and worry that I will never change and that I'll always be fighting the same fight
- To feel beautiful
- To be a good example to my sisters and friends
- To not have to worry whether I will be able to donate bone marrow if I am ever a match
- To make finding a vein easier to donate blood
- To be faster - "For every pound of fat you lose, you run up to 4 seconds faster per mile . . . Your body won't have to work as hard to go forward." (Self Magazine)
How about you? What are some of the reasons that inspire you to change your habits and live a healthy life?
Roxanne : Challenge Update 2
Hey Everyone,
So for those of you who don't know - I am participating in a one year health challenge called The Jackson 100 Pound Challenge - during which I will attempt to lose 100lbs.
I'll keep you all updated.
So here is my update for this week:
Starting date: March 11, 2013
My loss for the week is: 0.2
My total loss is: 3lbs
I still have 97 lbs to lose.
Current weight: 220.8
As you can see my weight loss wasn't that great this week, and I'm not so sure why. With the exception of one day I kept my calorie intake really close to my recommended amount. So in the coming weeks I'm going to be adding more exercise and see if I can boost my metabolism into helping me out.
My other goal is to eat only when I'm actually hungry.
I know this goes against what a lot of diets say - but shouldn't my body know when it needs more food?
So it's what I'm doing.
I definitely appreciate all the encouragement I get from all of you, and from my family.
I'm not giving up, and I hope you don't either!
So for those of you who don't know - I am participating in a one year health challenge called The Jackson 100 Pound Challenge - during which I will attempt to lose 100lbs.
I'll keep you all updated.
So here is my update for this week:
Starting date: March 11, 2013
My loss for the week is: 0.2
My total loss is: 3lbs
I still have 97 lbs to lose.
Current weight: 220.8
As you can see my weight loss wasn't that great this week, and I'm not so sure why. With the exception of one day I kept my calorie intake really close to my recommended amount. So in the coming weeks I'm going to be adding more exercise and see if I can boost my metabolism into helping me out.
My other goal is to eat only when I'm actually hungry.
I know this goes against what a lot of diets say - but shouldn't my body know when it needs more food?
So it's what I'm doing.
I definitely appreciate all the encouragement I get from all of you, and from my family.
I'm not giving up, and I hope you don't either!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Roxanne: Challenge Update 1
Hi Everyone,
So, I know this post was supposed to be written on Monday. I apologize for the delay.
If you don't remember I am participating in the Jackson's 100lbs Challenge - which is to lose a hundred pounds in 365 days.
Now I know you may be thinking: Is that possible? Is that safe?
I've done the calculations and to lose 100lbs in 365 days I only need to lose 0.3lbs a day.
Which is 1.9 lbs a week.
Still safe.
Just hard work.
And the great thing if I accomplish this is that my end weight will put me dead in the middle of a healthy weight range for my height.
So here's the update:
My starting date is: March 11, 2013
My total loss this week is: 3.4lbs
I have 96.6 lbs left to lose to meet this challenge.
Another challenge for myself that I have incorporated into this one is this:
- Morning Workout
- Walk
- Run
- Evening Workout
Now before you start thinking "wow, she puts in a lot of time" my morning and evening are often just a set of reps : Jumping jacks, crunches, squats, push ups. Not a full work out.
Although I would love to work up to that.
And I haven't been running very often.
The weather is making it difficult.
But it's a goal that I will continue to strive toward.
I want to become someone who is more naturally active
(And someone who has a faster metabolism!)
Anyway, that's it for me.
Hope your weeks have been healthy and happy!
PS: We'd love to hear from you, so leave a comment about what goals or challenges you have set for yourself regarding healthy living.
So, I know this post was supposed to be written on Monday. I apologize for the delay.
If you don't remember I am participating in the Jackson's 100lbs Challenge - which is to lose a hundred pounds in 365 days.
Now I know you may be thinking: Is that possible? Is that safe?
I've done the calculations and to lose 100lbs in 365 days I only need to lose 0.3lbs a day.
Which is 1.9 lbs a week.
Still safe.
Just hard work.
And the great thing if I accomplish this is that my end weight will put me dead in the middle of a healthy weight range for my height.
So here's the update:
My starting date is: March 11, 2013
My total loss this week is: 3.4lbs
I have 96.6 lbs left to lose to meet this challenge.
Another challenge for myself that I have incorporated into this one is this:
- Morning Workout
- Walk
- Run
- Evening Workout
Now before you start thinking "wow, she puts in a lot of time" my morning and evening are often just a set of reps : Jumping jacks, crunches, squats, push ups. Not a full work out.
Although I would love to work up to that.
And I haven't been running very often.
The weather is making it difficult.
But it's a goal that I will continue to strive toward.
I want to become someone who is more naturally active
(And someone who has a faster metabolism!)
Anyway, that's it for me.
Hope your weeks have been healthy and happy!
PS: We'd love to hear from you, so leave a comment about what goals or challenges you have set for yourself regarding healthy living.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Roxanne - The recipe update
Alright world,
So there are two recipes I would like to share with you today.
The first one is a healthier remake of an old favorite : Banana Bread :)
So there are two recipes I would like to share with you today.
The first one is a healthier remake of an old favorite : Banana Bread :)
- 2 cups whole wheat flour
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup sugar free applesauce
- 3/4 cup honey
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 3 mashed overripe bananas
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan.
- In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, mix together applesauce and honey. Stir in eggs and mashed bananas until well blended. Stir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just to moisten. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan.
- Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 65 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of the loaf comes out clean. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack.
And I added some chocolate chips to mine.
If you would like to see the original recipe, it came from here : http://8weekstoabetteryourecipes.blogspot.ca/2012/09/banana-bread-8-week-friendly.html
If you would like to see the original recipe, it came from here : http://8weekstoabetteryourecipes.blogspot.ca/2012/09/banana-bread-8-week-friendly.html
The second recipe is this really delicious Lemon Garlic Pasta. I know the combination might sound a little different, but it is SO good!
1 clove garlic
2 tsp. olive oil
1/2 a lemon
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
And pasta to put it on :)
While cooking pasta
Over medium heat sauté the minced garlic in the olive oil until it just begins to brown
Remove from heat
Squeeze lemon juice into it.
When pasta is finished and drained, toss with mixture and cheese.
Note: I used cheddar cheese because I didn't have parmesan and I added some pepper. Inspiration for this recipe came from: http://www.inomthings.com/?p=1756
Okay. Now for a quick update on me.
So I am presently part of an online challenge from livestrong.com, called the Jackson's 100lb Challenge. The challenge is to lose 100lbs in a year. I update on Monday, so I'll make sure to update you as well.
Other than that I've been trying out healthier recipes, trying to estimate my caloric intake and trying to make sure I walk around an hour each day.
Other than that I've been trying out healthier recipes, trying to estimate my caloric intake and trying to make sure I walk around an hour each day.
Trying to be consistent, another update coming soon! :)
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Past to Present ~ Eve
The other day I was going through my usual weekly routine. Everything went by just the same as usual. That was until Sunday morning. I was downstairs sitting with my two best friends and listening to our Pastor start his lesson. I looked over to my left and saw my friends whispering to each other. I looked to my left, there was a big empty space until it reached the wall. There, leaning on the windowsill, was something I never in my life would have thought to see. A girl that I had been friends with until about five years ago stood against the window with her head down.
That girl was always known for... well... she was never really the best influence. She was really well known and people always liked her at first sight. She had lots of friends and was never seen alone. She looked really bitter, standing over there.
I looked back at my friends and then back at the girl. My best friend really hated that girl. As I looked at her I didn't see the same girl that had shoved me away. I saw someone that had gone throught a lot of pain. Finally, after a ot of consideration, I put away my despise for her and invited her over.
I think that we all get caught up in the past a lot. Sometimes it just is hard to put those feelings behind you. Don't look back. Look to your future, to what you can be not who you once were. Life goes on and people change. Just remember that the next time you see someone that may have hurt you.
The other day I was going through my usual weekly routine. Everything went by just the same as usual. That was until Sunday morning. I was downstairs sitting with my two best friends and listening to our Pastor start his lesson. I looked over to my left and saw my friends whispering to each other. I looked to my left, there was a big empty space until it reached the wall. There, leaning on the windowsill, was something I never in my life would have thought to see. A girl that I had been friends with until about five years ago stood against the window with her head down.
That girl was always known for... well... she was never really the best influence. She was really well known and people always liked her at first sight. She had lots of friends and was never seen alone. She looked really bitter, standing over there.
I looked back at my friends and then back at the girl. My best friend really hated that girl. As I looked at her I didn't see the same girl that had shoved me away. I saw someone that had gone throught a lot of pain. Finally, after a ot of consideration, I put away my despise for her and invited her over.
I think that we all get caught up in the past a lot. Sometimes it just is hard to put those feelings behind you. Don't look back. Look to your future, to what you can be not who you once were. Life goes on and people change. Just remember that the next time you see someone that may have hurt you.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Creamy Avocado Pasta
Hey Everyone,
So this semester I moved into an apartment which means, NO MORE CAFETERIA FOOD! Yay, it's nice to be able to cook my own meals again.
Now I don't know if you are into all the pinterest hype that is going around, but if you are you know how it goes. You see all this great stuff and pin it all and you have all these great intentions to do the stuff you pin, and then. . . it NEVER happens.
So this week I decided to actually make a recipe I pinned. Technically, I heard of this recipe from a friend of mine first but then I pinned it.
It was a "Creamy Avocado Pasta" recipe and I made some adjustments to it, but it was fantastic. It reminded me of a pesto sauce almost, but it was absolutely delicious. With it I had some oven cooked tomatoes and some fresh cucumber.
Creamy Avocado Pasta
So this semester I moved into an apartment which means, NO MORE CAFETERIA FOOD! Yay, it's nice to be able to cook my own meals again.
Now I don't know if you are into all the pinterest hype that is going around, but if you are you know how it goes. You see all this great stuff and pin it all and you have all these great intentions to do the stuff you pin, and then. . . it NEVER happens.
So this week I decided to actually make a recipe I pinned. Technically, I heard of this recipe from a friend of mine first but then I pinned it.
It was a "Creamy Avocado Pasta" recipe and I made some adjustments to it, but it was fantastic. It reminded me of a pesto sauce almost, but it was absolutely delicious. With it I had some oven cooked tomatoes and some fresh cucumber.
Creamy Avocado Pasta
- 1 medium sized ripe Avocado, pitted
- 1/2 lemon, juiced
- 1 garlic clove (minced)
- 2 tsp dried Basil
- Ground pepper to taste
- 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 2 tbsp parmesan cheese (grated)
- 2 servings or your choice of pasta
Boil water in a pot and cook pasta as per usual. While pasta is cooking mix together all ingredients in a bowl. I attempted to use a blender to just blend in the garlic better, however this did't blend very well so I just mixed it by hand. This just meant some of the garlic was still in pieces and some bites were quite strong, but still tasted excellent) Once the pasta is cooked strain it and mix in avocado sauce. Serve hot.
(Makes 2 portions)
Oven Broiled Tomatoes
- Tomatoes (As many as you need)
- Dried Parsley Flakes
- Grated Parmesan Cheese
Set oven temperature to broil. Slice tomatoes up, or I cut the tomato into wedges, sprinkle with parsley flakes and parmesan cheese. Place on a baking sheet and cook in oven until cheese is lightly toasted.
Here is a picture of my meal, I'm not a photographer so don't judge the quality of the picture. The recipe is delicious no matter how the picture looks and if you don't trust me, you'll have to just test this recipe out for yourself.
I hope you enjoy!!!
Infinite x's and o's
Friday, March 1, 2013
Hey guys!
So it's been a LOOONG time since I last wrote on here. No excuse can be made. I want to try to stop making excuses for the things I do, or things I don't do, instead just taking ownership. So I apologize for not continuing to write.
Today is March 1st, its the beginning of a new month and March 21st is the beginning of a new season! BRING ON SPRING! I love Spring time, I really REALLY do, because it means summer is just about to come!
I just want to update you guys on what I'm doing with my life and fitness, I found a blog awhile back called Blogilates the girl who runs the site is super encouraging and has lots of fitness videos and I really enjoy her stuff. She also makes a fitness calendar for each month and this is the first month I will be following her fitness calendar. If you guys want to join me check out her blog and you can join the calendar as well. Today was the first day and it felt so good to do her workouts. On one of them I couldn't complete all of the arm workouts but almost, its a manageable task! So if you're looking for ideas of what to do this month to try and get fit check it out!
I hope you guys are all sticking to your goals for this year!
I'll try to update on how I'm doing with following this calendar!
Infinite x's and o's
So it's been a LOOONG time since I last wrote on here. No excuse can be made. I want to try to stop making excuses for the things I do, or things I don't do, instead just taking ownership. So I apologize for not continuing to write.
Today is March 1st, its the beginning of a new month and March 21st is the beginning of a new season! BRING ON SPRING! I love Spring time, I really REALLY do, because it means summer is just about to come!
I just want to update you guys on what I'm doing with my life and fitness, I found a blog awhile back called Blogilates the girl who runs the site is super encouraging and has lots of fitness videos and I really enjoy her stuff. She also makes a fitness calendar for each month and this is the first month I will be following her fitness calendar. If you guys want to join me check out her blog and you can join the calendar as well. Today was the first day and it felt so good to do her workouts. On one of them I couldn't complete all of the arm workouts but almost, its a manageable task! So if you're looking for ideas of what to do this month to try and get fit check it out!
I hope you guys are all sticking to your goals for this year!
I'll try to update on how I'm doing with following this calendar!
Infinite x's and o's
Monday, February 25, 2013
Food Addiction - Roxanne
So lately I've been reading up on food addiction, because I am fairly certain that I have lived the last few years of my life as a food addict. Although research shows that food can effect the brain in food addicts the same way that alcohol or drugs effect the brain of addict - the good thing is that food addiction is not as strong as either of these other substance abuse issues.
This of course means that it will be easier to break, which is what I am currently working on.
(If you would like to read a completely nerded out article on this : http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2010/08/02/how-to-fight-your-food-addiction-and-win/)
So presently what I am attempting is to live with guidelines on my life.
My first one is following a menu
And not purchasing any junk food.
If you have any more suggestions or good articles to read on this topic, please leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you!
Always trying again,
This of course means that it will be easier to break, which is what I am currently working on.
(If you would like to read a completely nerded out article on this : http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2010/08/02/how-to-fight-your-food-addiction-and-win/)
So presently what I am attempting is to live with guidelines on my life.
My first one is following a menu
And not purchasing any junk food.
If you have any more suggestions or good articles to read on this topic, please leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you!
Always trying again,
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Before & After . . .
Looking for some more encouragement?
Check out this post from Shape Magazine of before and afters of people
Remember that it's not going to happen in a week.
It takes time and consistently working to make healthy choices
All the best.
Check out this post from Shape Magazine of before and afters of people
Remember that it's not going to happen in a week.
It takes time and consistently working to make healthy choices
All the best.
15 Cool Marathons
Looking for a goal to help you get active?
Here is a list of interesting marathons that you could participate in :)
Here is a list of interesting marathons that you could participate in :)
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Banana Egg Pancakes
I just want to take a moment to share an easy, quick recipe.
- 1 banana, mashed.
- 2 eggs, scrambled
Combine and fry like a normal pancake.
So, so good :)
I ate it with lime yogurt and berries
- 1 banana, mashed.
- 2 eggs, scrambled
Combine and fry like a normal pancake.
So, so good :)
I ate it with lime yogurt and berries
7 Fitness Myths
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are having a great Tuesday :)
I just wanted to take a minute to share an article with you. Some of the information you might already know, and some of it might be new.
Either way I hope you find yourself inspired to not give up.
At least not today.
All the best!
I hope you are having a great Tuesday :)
I just wanted to take a minute to share an article with you. Some of the information you might already know, and some of it might be new.
Either way I hope you find yourself inspired to not give up.
At least not today.
All the best!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Roxanne - I'm Back!
Hey Everyone,
So, I know it has been quite awhile since I last wrote - But here's to the new year!
I've moved now because I have started my internship with school giving me the perfect opportunity to eat more healthy.
For the next three months I have chosen to no longer eat fast food or junk food. Obviously there will be the odd exception (Like drinking hot chocolate during a 'Let's meet for coffee') but I will not be purchasing any junk food and bringing it into my life.
This will hopefully stabilize my blood sugar levels which will help with cravings thus enabling to keep my eating habits in check.
Also I started a rep program. I found it on Pinterest, and it was to help me with being able to do pushups (I started it last month and can now do over 10 pushups in a row - Only the girl ones, but this month I'm working on the real ones) I also use it for crunches and squats, and with each new month I plan to add a new exercise.
Anyway - That's my life right now.
Here is a little article by Shape magazine if you need a little inspiration : http://www.shape.com/weight-loss/success-stories/7-women-who-kept-their-weight-loss-resolutions?page=7
Happy New Years everyone!
So, I know it has been quite awhile since I last wrote - But here's to the new year!
I've moved now because I have started my internship with school giving me the perfect opportunity to eat more healthy.
For the next three months I have chosen to no longer eat fast food or junk food. Obviously there will be the odd exception (Like drinking hot chocolate during a 'Let's meet for coffee') but I will not be purchasing any junk food and bringing it into my life.
This will hopefully stabilize my blood sugar levels which will help with cravings thus enabling to keep my eating habits in check.
Also I started a rep program. I found it on Pinterest, and it was to help me with being able to do pushups (I started it last month and can now do over 10 pushups in a row - Only the girl ones, but this month I'm working on the real ones) I also use it for crunches and squats, and with each new month I plan to add a new exercise.
Anyway - That's my life right now.
Here is a little article by Shape magazine if you need a little inspiration : http://www.shape.com/weight-loss/success-stories/7-women-who-kept-their-weight-loss-resolutions?page=7
Happy New Years everyone!
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