Monday, March 25, 2013

Roxanne : Challenge Update 2

Hey Everyone,
So for those of you who don't know - I am participating in a one year health challenge called The Jackson 100 Pound Challenge - during which I will attempt to lose 100lbs.
I'll keep you all updated.
So here is my update for this week:

Starting date: March 11, 2013
My loss for the week is: 0.2
My total loss is: 3lbs
I still have 97 lbs to lose.
Current weight: 220.8

As you can see my weight loss wasn't that great this week, and I'm not so sure why. With the exception of one day I kept my calorie intake really close to my recommended amount. So in the coming weeks I'm going to be adding more exercise and see if I can boost my metabolism into helping me out.
My other goal is to eat only when I'm actually hungry.
I know this goes against what a lot of diets say - but shouldn't my body know when it needs more food?
So it's what I'm doing.
I definitely appreciate all the encouragement I get from all of you, and from my family.
I'm not giving up, and I hope you don't either!

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