Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Roxanne - Week 12 Update - The day I discovered breakfast :)

Hey Everyone.

So, here's my update for the week . . .
Longest Run: Umm. . . Non-existant. Oops.
Time Run During A Workout: See above
Distance walked/run this week:  3 miles
Total Weight Loss: 14lbs
Last Week's weight: 222lbs
Weight Loss: 1lb
Current Weight: 221.0lbs
Goal: 200lbs by MAy 20th, 2012

Okay so as you can see by the stats the end of the year crunch is catching up with me. Last week and this week are my two major paper weeks, however, by Thursday all of my major papers will be completed and then one fairly normal week - one week of exams then a couple weeks of glorious freedom at home before starting my job at the camp for the summer.
However, with my running stats being low, and weight stats still plateaued between 220 and 222lbs my life stats are high. This past week I started eating breakfast everyday, and quite seriously - it has changed my life!!
I have so much more energy, and I don't get crazy cravings to eat in the evenings (although I somedays do - but it's more out of habit than desire now.) I don't need sugar the way that I used too. And on top of all that I eat a lot more calories in a day now that I eat breakfast, but it doesn't seem to effect my weight the way it used to. At the beginning of the week when I first began eating breakfast I was a bit concerned because I was gaining weight, but in return I gained so much energy. But I knew that losing weight is part of my end goal, and I couldn't put that in jeopardy. So I told God about my conundrum - the fact that I loved the energy, but that I couldn't continue eating breakfast if I couldn't lose weight doing so.
And voila!. Not that I'm losing weight at an incrdible rate, but I can eat breakfast and lose small increments of weight. And the best thing is that this system is maintainable :)
My friend Chris explaained to me that the reason I now have so much energy is due to the fact that eating breakfast in the morning is what starts your metabolism for the day. . . I think that at the beginning it just took a couple days for my metabolism to speed up to compensate for this new routine - as until this past week I haven't consistently eating breakfast since I was like 11.
Anyway, that was my lesson for the week.
My goal for this week is to work on not snacking in the evenings and see what happens.
All the best this week friends!
Sorting out my life one step at a time.
-Roxanne <3

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean! Eating breakfast was SO hard for me. For years I didn't eat breakfast..but now I need to eat it. I just have a coffee and a portion of oatmeal but it gives me so much more energy. It took me maybe 3 weeks to start seeing the difference. Keep up the good work & I LOVE your updates. much love.
