Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Vegan Adventures

So we all know it.
I'm a quitter.
I've always been a quitter.

But here's the thing -

I don't want to quit anymore.

I would like to know, instead, what it's like to win.

So, tonight I am sitting in my room, my cat tipping her head wondering what I'm doing, as I shove Ricola throat lozenges into my seriously sore throat.
And I wonder to myself - what makes me think this time will be any different?
I am so afraid that six months from now I will be writing another starting post - and I just don't want to be. . .

Here's what I do know:
1. There is a plethora of reasons that I need to lose weight - starting with all of the health reasons, and circling right around to the heart reason. There's this guy that I like, but he doesn't SEE me that way. I want to give him another perspective - and I've banned myself from contacting him until I'm 190 pounds. It's hard. But having him not see me is hard too. And I just want to be able to walk into any store and look for clothes I like instead of wondering if they'll have my size. . . .
2. Every person who has ever lost weight at some point made up their mind that their goal was worth the sacrifice. This is me experimenting with this concept.

So here's the question:
How much weight could I lose by Christmas if I did two things without quitting :
1. Eat Vegan
2. Eat Only When I'm Hungry

Let's find out . . .

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"The Seduction of Inadequacy"

Today I watched this speech :

on Upworthy.
The part that captured me is when she talks about how she had begun to fall for the 'seduction of inadequacy.' Even as life had begun to tell her that her appearance was good enough.
And I wondered to myself 'Is this where I am?"
Trapped by the seduction of inadequacy?

Most days when I wake up and look at myself in the mirror I do not see someone who is inadequate.
I look at my reflection and I appreciate my colouring.
I like my freckles.
I like the way my dark hair contrasts with my skin.
I like that I have strong features
full lips
And a straight nose.
I like that my eyes look brown but to those who are willing to notice they will see that they're more than partially green.
And more than that I like myself for who I am.
For the things I have gone through
The people I have loved and the people who have loved me.
The compassion I have learned
The kindness
The patience.

But as I look in the mirror I begin to point out my flaws - the fat I need to lose.
The frizz
The bad posture. . .
But mostly the fat.

One flaw.

One flaw on a body I love.

And I let it ruin my opinion of myself
I let it ruin my hopes and to dictate the type of life and love I should receive.

Perhaps I've become so accustomed to living a life of inadequacy
That even though I am not inadequate
I no longer know how to think of myself as such.
Maybe I find comfort in the familiarity of my inadequacy.
Maybe I've been seduced?
Maybe they're my excuse?

Maybe it's time for me to learn how to live without them?
Who would I be if I finally accepted myself as good enough?

- Roxanne

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Girl Power

So Kyle and I have faced a bit of a set back in our 10k training.
He when we were running his back all of a sudden would start spasming and he was in a lot of pain. So he decided to take a week off until he could get in to see his doctor. I still ran a bit throughout that week although it wasn't as much as I was running but I did complete the three times that week that were required.
After Kyle saw the doctor they suggested going for physiotherapy to help with the muscles but said he was okay to go back to exercising and suggested taking anti-inflammatories. So with the doctors okay we SHOULD have returned to running. However This is our final week of classes and we have been BUSY! But we're both eager to get back at it.
Now I don't want you guys to think I quit on myself again. Because I haven't. See when Kyle couldn't run anymore I took advantage of that and started going to the gym with a group of girls from my school We don't simply just run instead we do a lot of HIIT training. So we'll do box jumps, and stairs, and burpees and lots of other things. We do lots of core training and strength exercises it's so good. My body feels AWESOME and it is tons of fun. We just go in the gym and turn the beats up, and when the workouts get hard we all just cheer each other on. Today five of us went for a run outside (which it is so nice to finally have some warm weather) and I was so proud I ran the entire thing, although at some points I sowed my run down a bit. But I never stopped. It's awesome to see how far I've come in just a month and a half.
I'm starting to see some physical changes and it is so exciting. The cool thing for me is that the thing motivating me to keep going isn't the scale. I have no looked at a scale this whole time. I mean I'm excited to eventually look at a scale and see where I'm at, but for now it's just been that I feel awesome in my body. My heart, lungs and muscles feel so good. And that makes me want to keep going. The other day I noticed how toned my calf muscles had gotten and was so excited that I walked around telling everyone to check out my leg muscles. Haha. It's awesome.
So although my running has taken a bit of a back seat these past two weeks I'm still pushing forwards and want to keep it up.
Be encouraged, you WILL start to see a difference in your body, don't quit, keep pushing. Do it for the awesome feeling of achievement you get when you see improvements in your fitness and your health, don't just do it for the scale.
Infinite x's and o's

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Raspberry Oat Muffins

So - I spend my life in search of easy, grab-able, healthy foods and finally I found one that is also delicious!
I would like to share it with all of you. (Please note: This is not my own recipe. It comes from a book called 'Eating Well' which I borrowed from the library.)


2 cups whole wheat flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup raw sugar
2 tbsp honey
1 egg
1 1/4 cup butter milk
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
1/2 cup rolled oats

-Mix ingredients till combined
- Spoon into muffin tins with liners or greased.
- Bake 25 - 30 minutes at 350 F

Makes 12

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A new running partner

I'm back!

So it's probably been almost a full year since i've wrote anything on this blog. I feel a little guilty but the truth is I was tired of writing about how success hadn't come yet. I was tired of saying I haven't been doing my workouts or meeting my goals. 

To be honest I still haven't met my goals and I still do miss my workouts BUT I have some exciting news to share. Over Christmas break I started dating a boy. He's a real sweetheart and takes very good care of me. Well a month ago I was looking at different races I could do because I really wanted something to motivate me to get back into running. Well I found one that is 10k and goes THROUGH the ZOO! I LOVE THE ZOO! I got so excited, so I told him about it and asked if he'd be interested in running it with me. And to my complete surprise he was super excited about it! Like WAY more excited about it than I was. 

So we looked around for different training plans we could possibly follow and we discovered an app for our phones called 10k Trainer Free - Run for Pink - Couch to 10k. It's awesome! If you have an iPhone and you want to start running, get this app! 
It's a 14 week program and it's been so good for us. We've been going consistently for a month, and we're training hard. Kyle runs a little faster than I do and my competitive spirit gets a little frustrated with that, but I'm learning that the only person i should be competing with is myself. 
The program gets you to run three times a week but Kyle and I usually try to go more than that. We also now want to start adding in strength training exercises as well. But neither of us know much about what we should be doing... so we're a little hesitant to start that. 
If you guys have an strength building exercises you use send them my way!
Anyways I'm excited to see where I am at the end of these 14 weeks! Can't wait to share!
Infinite x's and o's

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Week 9 - A Year of 21s

Sorry friends.
I forgot to take a picture this week.
My life has been a wee bit chaotic the last couple weeks as I have started a new job, my hours have picked up at my original job, and I've had plenty of other appointments. The lack of routine has really been killing my fight to be healthy - but after a long down hill slide I think I have finally caught myself and am focusing on getting myself righted.
214lbs this week.
I'm not going to lie.
I am truly disappointed.
I wanted to be seeing huge change.
But huge change only comes with huge change - and I am struggling just to keep the three basic rules I have set for myself thus far.
I tell you this though - I will not give up!
I have 52 weeks in a year.
Still plenty of time left.
And even if a year from now I am only 10 lbs lighter, instead of the huge goals I project in my head, I will still be 10lbs closer to my goals than I would be if I gave up . . .

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 8 - A Year of 21s

Week 8 update - so apparently writing everything I eat down is a harder habit to form than I initially thought - but I am working on it.
I was 216 lbs this week when I weighed in, but I was visiting a friend over the weekend, so I'm not really surprised.
Hopefully week 9 brings happier results.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week 7 - A Year of 21s

Good morning!
Here is my weekly update:

Down another pound from last week. I know it's slow progress, so sometimes it is hard to keep being consistent because I think to myself that one exception won't count - but it all adds up and even slow progress is progress in the right direction. Hopefully this will be the year that I see real change :)
Also - Starting today I am officially in Phase 3, which is : Write down everything I eat.
Talk soon.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 6 - A Year of 21s

Down a pound from last week.
And I know you can't really tell in the pictures, but I've lost some inches all around. Not a lot, but a little - and progress is progress.
As I said last week I have begun following a 12 month plan put out by Chris Powell -
Which on top of doing I have put together my own cardio plan, and of course I am still following my year of 21s. Right now I am two thirds of the way through not eatin after 7pm. Which has proved to be more of a challenge than I anticipated. It is perfect the days that I am home, but with my work schedule their are generally a couple days a week when I get home after 7 - thus I am eating dinner after 7. So until I find a more regular job, I am just doing my best with this one, and others of my upcoming life changes may have more of an impact on my weight.
Alrighty. That's my update for the week.
Hope all of you are doing great at your own goals.

Can hardly wait for spring.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Recipe: Mustard Garlic Vinagrette

This recipe is from the book - The Art of Living Well

1 clove of garlic, minced
2 tsp. Dijon mustard
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1/4 c. water
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/4 c. olive oil
1 tsp grated Parmesan cheese
salt and pepper

In a bowl combine garlic, mustard, lemon juice, water and sugar - mix well.
Gradually whisk in oil.
Add Parmesan cheese, season with salt and pepper to taste.

I really enjoyed it - none of the rest of my family was brave enough to try it.

Week 5 - A Year of 21s

So - transformation hasn't come as easily as I had hoped.
I know.
If anyone should know that it isn't easy - it should be me, but I think everytime I expect it to be different because I am different. But habits and years of neglect fight back.
But I am not done fighting.
This will be the year my life changes.
There is no other option.
Quitting is not an option.
I will do this!
This week I have begun a work out regime put out by Chris Powell my all time favorite trainer and one of my inspirations.
You can find it here :

Week 4 - A Year of 21s

214. I know I really need to crack down - it's just harder than I thought.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 3 - A Year of 21s Update

Hello Everyone,
This week's update:

Start: 217lbs
Last Week: 213lbs
Today: 213lbs

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week 2 - A Year of 21s Update

Aloha fellow bloggers and life improvers,
At least I wish it were warm enough to say aloha. . . . I'm dreaming of the tropics while sitting in front of my fire place.
So, as most of you know I am in the middle of my first phase, which was 21 days only eating at the table. Now, you may be thinking - why such a simple goal?
And the answer is simple as well. Usually I over commit myself and say 'I'm going to be vegetarian, and run an hour a day and lift weights for a half hour a day, and floss my teeth every night etc."
And I can't do it all, so I give up.
But although losing weight is one of my main goals - what is truly important to me is that I begin to forge a healthy relationship with food and with my body, and it's important that I actually stick with it. So my first few phases are 'easy' goals. Things that I shouldn't have too much trouble accomplishing because it is important that I begin to believe again that I can.
I can do this.
I can form new habits.
I can change.
On top of this 21 I also decided to start this new year off with a diet/cleanse to help reset my metabolism a little bit. It's called the 7 day diet, and seemed to be one of the more healthy cleanse options out there. Basically you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and cabbage soup for 7 days.

So a report - on eating at the table. I'm doing quite well. A couple slip ups, but over all I feel I am accomplishing what I set out to do.
On the cleanse - It's harder than I though because I am doing it by myself my family isn't always understanding and there's a lot of temptation around. However, even with a major slip up and a minor one, it really is working as you will see in my weekly report . . . .

Weekly Report:
The Start: 217lbs
Last week: 217lbs
This week: 213lbs

Obviously due to this weight loss I've lost some portions of an inch in multiple areas of my body.
I also got a gym membership from my parents for Christmas, so I started using that. Just walking/jogging the track, that kind of thing.
Look for another update in a week!
Here's to a new future!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year - A New Start

Here is me at the beginning of 2014.
Here is to a year full of victory and big change.
The next 21 days the challenge is to only eat while sitting at a table. This will hopefully help cut back on mindless eating.

Current: 217lb

PS - You may notice that my skin looks amazing! I got some Aveeno skin care products for Christmas, including BB cream,  and they really do make a difference. I also have started using a cream coloured eyeliner on my bottom eyelids (just a cheap store brand) - and it really helps my face look awake.

A Year of 21s - Roxanne

It is New Years Eve.
The day before New Years Resolutions take effect.
And as I find myself thinking about the year ahead I have to admit this: There are two things I want above all else for my self this year.
1. I want to lose weight and become an all around healthier person.
2. I want to start dating the boy of my dreams.

I'm not really sure what to do about number 2, but I feel like if I can sort out number one, then number two will simply fall in to place. . . . or it will become the resolution I write a plan for next year. But this year I'm working on problem number one.

As most of you know - I have been trying to beat food addiction and bad habits, and lose weight for almost a decade. And the truth is - I'm tired of it.
I'm tired of half heartedly fighting this battle and losing.
And the reason I keep losing I think is this : I STOPPED BELIEVING I COULD WIN!!
So this year I'm giving up my all or nothing approach that has brought me so much failure, and I have written up a plan that has me working on instituting a new, small good habit every 21 days.
The reason I picked 21 is because it's commonly accepted that it takes 21 days to establish a habit.

Here are my planned phases. There is obviously some room for switching the order through the year, but I think this will be the way it plays out:

Phase 1- Jan 1-21 - Everything I eat needs to be eaten sitting at a table
Phase 2- Jan 22 - Feb 11 - Do not eat anything after 7pm
Phase 3 - Feb 12 - Mar 4 - Write everything I eat down
Phase 4 - Mar 5 - 25 - Drink 1/2 my weight in ounces of water per day
Phase 5 - Mar 26 - Apr 15 - 10 minutes of Bible and prayer everyday
Phase 6 - Apr 16 - May 6 - Only eat when you are hungry
Phase 7 - May 7 - 27 -No watching TV during the week
Phase 8 - May 28 - June 17 - 20 minutes of 'cardio' daily
Phase 9 - June 18 - July 8 - Blogilates everyday!
Phase 10 - July 9 - 29 - 20 minutes of Bible and prayer everyday
Phase 11 - July 30 - Aug 19 - Stretching/yoga every day
Phase 12 - Aug 20 - Sept 10 - No sugar/junk food
Phase 13 - Sept 11 - Oct 2 - Flexi-dairy-tarian
Phase 14 - Oct 3 - 23 - Replace most carbs with vegetables at dinners