Monday, January 30, 2012

A Smile As Big As the Moon + Week 4 Update

This evening I watched this movie.
It's entitled A Smile As Big As The Moon.
And I want to encourage everyone to rent it, Itunes it, buy it. Whatever. But it's one of those movies worth watching.
It's inspirational.
Right after watching it, I tweeted this: "If I`m not going to be the one who saves a life or changes the world then I want to inspire someone else to do it."
And that's where I find myself. This is the kind of person I want to be. . . I either want to do something amazing and transformational with my life - or I want to help other people to.
I want my life to count.
I want my sister Beth to realize that she can do more than people say she can.
I want my sister Eve to find the bravery within herself.
I want Hannah to prove that quirky-ness and love can make the best kind of person.
I want my brother Pachrick to conquer set backs and be the hero he dreams of being.
I want my mom and dad to be happy and purposeful.
I want Allysin to keep pushing because she's so driven that she can acomplish anything.

But I'm kind of scared.
I'm scared I'm the kind of person that gives up on work because I'm used to life being easy.
I'm scared that I'm the kind of person who quits instead of pushing harder when things get tough.

I don't want to be that kind of person - because those kinds of people don't change things. Those kinds of people don't inspire other people to change and reach for their best.
I don't want to be that kind of person.
And that's why I want to do this. This run, this life style change - this weight loss.
I want to prove to myself that I'm not a quitter. That maybe I can acomplish more than I think.
That perhaps my life can be an inspiration. That I can do something that counts.
I want to prove to myself that I'm stronger than I believe I am . . . .

Longest Run: 2 min 5 seconds
Time run during a work out: 8 minutes 20 seconds
Distance walked/run this week: 7.11 miles approx
Total Weight Loss: 12 lbs
Last Week's Weight: 227.0
Weight Lost: 4 lbs
Current Weight: 222.8
Goal: 198 lbs by May 20th, 2012
Reminding myself to look beyond myself. . . .
-Roxanne  (@RoxyWiedemann or #2012fresh)

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